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November 2009

Proud To Be An American
Cricket's Thoughts

Very Proud To Be An American

Proud American

In a time when most the world seems a little nuts these days, yeah I am still very proud to be an American, maybe more now than ever.

No, I am not hiding my head in the sand. I see the headlines about our nation’s economy and the current unemployment rate, but when I look at countries where so many people live a life surrounded in hunger, sickness, and war, I feel so very blessed.

Spectacular Display

As we walked through the C-5 (not shown) the look on the kid’s face was one of pure fascination. I was so incredibly impressed by the pilot (female) who spent time talking to Haley about what she does, how she got there, and above all for offering encouragement.

Some of the Spooky Crew

That same care and patience was shown in every flight crew member we spoke with at the 2009 Randolph Air Show.

Flight Crew

The air show was a reminder of who we are as people, as a nation.

Military Jet

The strength of our country . . .

Stunning Smoke Show!

Our history . . .

Randolph 2009 Air Show

When the F-22 Raptor flew overhead (not shown) the feeling inside of me was almost overwhelming. I looked over at the kid and asked if she felt it too. She told me it made her feel very proud.

Yeah, me too kid . . .


Cricket Walker

Life After Forty

Looking Back At Me

Taken a few days before my 48th birthday

I looked in the mirror and what did I see?
A forty-eight year old looking back at me.
How is that possible, how can it be?
Wasn’t it yesterday I was thirty-three?

With fifty just a stone’s throw away
I begin to wonder how to keep it all at bay
Then realize some aren’t blessed to see that day
Another decade? Heck Yeah! I think I’ll be okay.

Cricket Walker