• Cricket's Thoughts

    Life Is Truly Good

    Raising two puppies together must be a little like having hyperactive twin two year olds in the house. If you take your eyes of them for even a moment, they find their…

  • Sassy's Legacy
    Cricket's Thoughts

    Sassy’s Legacy Lives On

    Sassy’s Legacy Lives On (Click Picture) We accomplished the impossible and brought two of Sassy’s puppies back home, where they belong. I would like to reintroduce you to the newest members of…

  • Cricket's Thoughts

    In Loving Memory of Sassy

    From the day Sassy entered our lives, she was extremely protective of us and our property. Tonight her overwhelming need to protect us cost her life. As I was opening the back…

  • Cricket's Thoughts

    Homeschool Not About Books

    Although structure is important, sometimes parents forget that homeschool is NOT just about books and supplies. Sometimes in our excitement to homeschool, we replicate the very things that cause our children problems…

  • Cricket's Thoughts

    Homeschool Outside The Box

    I wanted to give another example of “thinking outside the box” when homeschooling. As I mentioned in an earlier article, my son struggled with learning disabilities. They labeled him dyslexic, and he…