A New Journey

What Was I Thinking?

Cricket Walker

They say that if you wait for the perfect time to start anything, you will never start, but why oh why did I choose now to begin a new journey? Did I not realize that it is two days before school starts and the kid needs supplies? Clothes? Did I forget it is tax free weekend here in Texas and a gazillion people are going to be shopping at the last minute just like us? That the lines would be 17 miles long? Was there some part of triple digit temperatures that made me think my timing was wonderful? Am I nuts? What on earth was I thinking?

While taking a break with the kid in Borders, it suddenly dawned on me that I did not have to go through this. I could hand her my debit card and go find my favorite little Greek café, sip on ice cold sweet tea and nibble on Baklava. *drools*

Debit Card Burning A Hole In Her Pocket
Ya see my debit card already burning a hole in her pocket?

The reality was that when I got there I guzzled a few glasses of the tea in about 3 seconds flat and inhaled the gooey sweet and sinfully delicious (should be illegal) Greek dessert. I was however able to restrain myself and did not lick the plate. 🙂

Just keeping it real is all.

The kid finally showed back up with a bag big enough to be part of a Santa suit, along with my debit card hot enough to sizzle. Did I mention I am not a fan of crowds and shopping? This kind of shopping (hanging out in an air conditioned café while the kid has all the fun) kind of works for me though. *smirks*

A New Journey Day Two

Cricket Walker

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  • Reply S Emerson August 21, 2010 at 9:53 pm

    Do you have any money left in your bank account?

  • Reply Cricket Walker August 21, 2010 at 9:57 pm

    Let’s just say I am very pleased that I only have one left in school! 🙂

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