A Box Filled With Love
Do you have a moment or two?
I want to tell you a story.
For a period of time now, I haven’t felt very motivated. You maybe even noticed that I have not been writing since November. The truth is I have been pretty down for no good reason beyond the fact that after 30 years of raising children, my nest is empty now.
Instead of an intense feeling of freedom, I experienced an almost overwhelming feeling of sadness not being quite sure of what I was supposed to do now.
This wasn’t really something I could share with others because I am usually the one teaching others to stay positive and motivated.
This afternoon the feeling of being completely alone was weighing pretty heavily on me as I slowly walked down to check the mail.
As I opened the mailbox, my interest jumped as I noticed a box inside.
I knew I hadn’t ordered anything.
I tore the box open like a little girl on Christmas morning.
Slowly a tear ran down my cheek and a smile crossed my face.
This special box was filled with love.
One by one I picked up the gifts, a prayer shawl, an angel pin, and a journal.
As I began to read the note inside, the tears began to flow, blurring the words in front of me. I will share just this one small part. “May you never feel that your presence in this world has gone unnoticed or condemned. You bless so many.”
How could she have known I needed her touch in my life at that very moment?
Perhaps God uses others to move in our lives every now and then.
Thank you, Elaine. You have no idea of the ripple you have started…
Sometimes we forget how much a gesture of kindness can mean, especially one that’s unexpected.
Thank you for sharing this story of your ‘unexpected gift’, I think I’ll pay it forward to someone else tomorrow morning!
My mind is already working on ways to pay it forward! 🙂
Beautiful and touching. Nice to see you writing again.
Yes, thank you for sharing. Just as Elaine’s gift was an encouragement to you, your story has been an encouragement to me.
I’ve only known you a short time, but I don’t doubt that you have touched many lives, for the better. 🙂
I am so very blessed to have such incredible friends! 🙂
Thank you, Cricket. Today was a tough day for me, and knowing that this meant so much to you means the world to me and brightened my day beyond measure!
I am smiling ear to ear tonight! 🙂
Great!!! Now I’m crying too…
The amazing circle of ripples that continue to widen…
Pass the Scotties box….
What a lovely thing for your friend to do for you. Hugs to you, Cricket.
I think I will use this wonderful idea to uplift a friend whose mother died recently.