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I'm Okay
Cricket's Thoughts

It’s Okay Not To Be Okay

I’m okay. I’m okay

We spend our whole lives telling everyone that we’re okay.

It’s a response that we have been trained to say from the time we were small children.

When we were learning to walk and we would fall, our parents would immediately reassure us. You’re okay. You’re okay.

Over time it became automatic when were were hurt, sad, lonely, heartbroken or sick.

I’m okay. I’m okay.

Ya know what though?

Every now and then it’s okay not to be okay.

Ya know why?

Because one day, it will be okay again.

But right now, in this moment, it is okay to feel the depth of our emotion because when we allow ourselves to truly feel, then, and only then, can we finally heal.

Yeah, I’m okay…

Cricket Walker

Moments To Reflect
Cricket's Thoughts

Moments To Reflect

So many times in life it all comes down to needing to know that we truly matter to someone, that we are good enough. We deserve to love and to be loved.

You matter.
I matter.
We matter.

Cricket Walker

Escaping The City

Field of Wildflowers

Wandering through city streets.
Random thoughts flooding my brain.
Surrounded by so many people.
Yet, here I am alone.
Do they see me? Am I even here?

Where are they all in such a hurry to go?

Do I have a destination?
Does it matter?
Can I escape from it all?
Can I wake up in a field of wildflowers?
Can I just be?


Cricket Walker

Cricket's Thoughts

The Rules

It’s amazing how often we seem to feel the need to set the rules for others.


Who makes the rules anyway?

Is there someplace I can appeal them?

I’m blown away by how many different opinions there are concerning what is and isn’t camping. One group will tell you that it isn’t camping if ya don’t do it in a tent. Another will tell ya the ONLY real way is under the stars. Seriously, when it comes down to it, does it matter if we are “doing it right” or not? Shouldn’t it just be about living life in the moment and having fun?

There are folks who just about have a heart attack if they find out you took your cell phone or laptop camping with you. Really? What possible difference does it make to you? Heck, I bring BOTH with me. It doesn’t mean I can’t live without them. It simply means that I like having them with me.

After a full day of exploring, maybe I would like to write about my experiences. Since I have had issues with writer’s block for months now, I am certainly not going to pass up the urge to write just because I happen to be camping. And yes, I tend to grab a few cell phone shots during the day and share them with my friends on Instagram.

Does that bother you? REALLY? I have a solution for ya. Don’t follow me on Instagram or Facebook then and you will never know. (grin)

Maybe it is because I have gotten old and lazy but I kind of like to do things my own way without worrying if I am doing stuff the way I should be or not. Yes, I am camping and yes, I am still gonna take a hot shower in the morning.Ya know why? I smell funny after I have walked more miles than I probably should have. I may even grab a taco in the morning at the local fuel stop instead of starting a campfire too.

Ya know what else?

I don’t sleep on the ground either. I have a PADDED cot (because I like the ability to actually move the next day) and I put it inside of a Coleman tent that takes me about 45 seconds to set up. (bigger grin)

Captive Bear
Cricket's Thoughts

A World You Did Not Choose

Yes, I see you captive there
In a world you did not choose

Deep inside of me I feel your sadness
A heart aching to be surrounded in nature
Longing for room to forage and explore

We are alike you and me…

Cricket Walker