My Goofy Kid is Finally Back

My Goofy Kid
After a long vacation visiting her daddy, my goofy kid is finally back. And, we are both back home in San Antonio, Texas. Yeeeehaw!

Michael and Haley
After a quick visit with her oldest brother Michael . . .

Downtown San Antonio Texas
She wanted to head straight to downtown San Antonio.

Rivercenter Mall San Antonio Texas
Well, to be more specific, to the Rivercenter Mall . . .
On the Riverwalk . . .

Shopping at the Rivercenter Mall
For some serious shopping . . .

Steeple in Downtown San Antonio
And sightseeing . . .

And of course, what visit downtown would be complete, without visiting the Tower of Americas in HemisFair Park?

Yup, this proved to be a very long day for both of us, but it was so nice to be home, we wanted to see everything.

Cricket Walker

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