If This Aint Heaven . . .


Within minutes, you realize that you are in another world . . .


A place where color finds its way in, regardless of the drought.

The Cowboy Store

False advertising! I looked in every nook and cranny of The Cowboy Store and I did not see a single cowboy for sale. (grin)


Ummm… Cowboy? Ya realize you are going the wrong way, right?
Come back here, dang it! (grin)


If this aint heaven, I don’t know what is . . .


A place where even the weeds are stunning . . .


And everything is bigger than life . . .
(Is his tongue in his nose?)


A feeling of peace overtakes your very soul . . .


And you feel as if you have somehow gone back in time.


Life makes perfect sense here.


Ready to ride off into the sunset . . .


Or just kick back with a cold beer at the local saloon.

Texas Longhorn

But don’t mess with this guy in Bandera, Texas.


Lord have mercy, this ought to be illegal . . .

Cricket Walker

12 thoughts on “If This Aint Heaven . . .”

  1. Very nice Darlin! I have one of those Watusi Longhorns in my freezer!
    PS Maybe the cowboys were in a back room!

  2. Cricket,

    Did ya talk to him? I would have said “Turn around so I can get another picture of you from the front”.

    I’m not shy!

    Great pictures!

  3. @ Eric – that must be one really big freezer!

    @ Chance – It is soooo pretty up there. Wish I lived there! πŸ™‚

    @ Ellen – Oh heck no! I almost fainted when he caught me taking his picture from under the tree and tipped his hat at me. Still wiping drool off the poor camera. =)

  4. Cricket, I’m trying to figure out who you are? Are you ex-COG? Did Ironsides clue you in about my Facebook accnt?

    Regardless, I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed looking at your pictures here. You make me jealous, too. I live in SD, but it sure looks purdy there… wherever you were.

  5. Hello Cricket, this is such a beautiful post! πŸ™‚ Amazing shots! I wish I can have wonderful shots like that.

    So if that ain’t heaven, maybe that’s paradise then? πŸ˜€


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