You Can Make It
Day thirteen of our photo journey …
There are at least a gazillion ways to get to various hideaways on Enid Lake. Our mission today was to find a new way that we hadn’t tried before. When my kids are involved though, there is always a pretty good chance that means we will embark on an adventure that we won’t soon forget.
Turn left Mom!
No wait a second.
Maybe it was supposed to be right?
It wasn’t long before we found ourselves on a dark curvy road that seemed to get more narrow with every curve. About the time I began to wonder if this road was really going to lead somewhere or if we were setting ourselves up to get stuck in the middle of nowhere without even so much as a cell phone with us, the road in front of us became impassable.
Of course it was way too narrow to even think of turning around.
You can do it Mom! Keep going!
Ummmm… Son?
We’re not in a four wheel drive pickup truck anymore. We’re in a old beater, and I don’t think I can make it through here.
Sure you can!
You can do it!
You can make it! (Everyone now chiming in.)
Of course we got hopelessly stuck when our old beater bottomed out. I just sat there and laughed when Haley mentioned that we really should have turned right.
The kids finally pushed us out of the rut, and then laughed hysterically while I had to go back up that curvy dirt road in reverse for about a mile before we could finally get turned around.
Finally, after a series of disagreements on which left and which right we needed to take, we voted on getting there the old fashioned way, following the signs to the other side of the lake.
Yeah! I think we made it! 🙂
Then this drop dead gorgeous guy walked by me, and ummmm…
Well, my photography skills instantly deteriorated.
I think this is a picture of the bathroom door. 🙂
I figured I better at least pretend I was taking a picture of something.
Wasn’t there a tree here somewhere?
I have no idea what those things are in the tree. Baby pinecones?
What kids?
Oh yeah! Where the heck are the kids?
I remember when I thought it was romantic to take walks like that!
We could be on a deserted island and Haley would find a boy. Way down in the corner, that’s her talking to a boy in the water. I think they were discussing exchanging email addresses right about then.
One last look back at the water before we lose the sun.
Gosh it is pretty!
Does anyone know where that drop dead gorgeous guy went? 🙂
Beautiful place you found! And very inviting. And I agree with Sue, you should’ve gotten a picture of Mr. Drop Dead too.
I did! 🙂
Thirding that guy photo – we need our eye-candy too! Very pretty place and that door handle? Well. I have no words. 😉
So show us the guy that’s drop dead gorgeous!!!! I’m panting already!
Talented and smart Cricket! I love your pictures on this site and the Mississippi site and of course your content on the other sites. Thanks for all the help, information, and great pictures.