Five Steps to Repair Blown Tire
Day twenty-nine of our photo journey …
Step #1 – Look at the blown tire and decide that the price of replacing the rim is well worth not walking in 103 degree weather. Drive your car (just the way it is) to the local auto repair shop, even though you are thumping the whole way there.
Step #2 – Kiss the ground the shop owner walks on for being willing to fix your car today, even though he has been working non-stop since 5am and has had about enough for one day.
Step #3 – Immediately following the installation of your new tires, head directly to the Piggly Wiggly. (Stay within the speed limit!)
Step #4 – Go straight to the ice-cream and soda aisle to find the makings for root beer floats. (Pay before you leave!)
Step #5 – Put the ice-cream and root beer in the first glass you find, and enjoy. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you are smiling again.
You know that Minute Maid juice? Mix it with some vanilla and you’ve got a good old fashioned Creamsicle.
Chris, that sounds absolutely wonderful!
We are definitely going to try it! 🙂
Woo Hoo! It’s a piggly wiggly! We don’t have those where I live.
I gotta go buy root beer and ice cream.
wow!looks very enticing!I never try it before, I find it interesting…