Cricket's Thoughts

Your Face Haunted Me

I went back to look for you today.

Your face haunted me for weeks. I had no choice. I had to go back and find you.

I thought maybe you could use a friend, someone just to talk to.

For three hours I walked the streets. I was so sure you had to be there somewhere.

It wasn’t cold this time. It was actually a bit too warm to be comfortable in my sweatpants and a t-shirt so I stopped to buy water.

I wondered if the temperature was ever just right for those with no home to go to.

I wondered if you had cold water to drink so I bought a few extras to bring to you.

As the sweat began to trickle down my back, I finally gave up.

I headed back to my truck.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw you sitting there, right where I had left you before. Where had you been?

I stood there for the longest time trying to find the courage to talk to you. I blurted out something about it being a gorgeous day and you just looked at me like I was a total idiot but I had looked for you too long to back down now so I just stood there, looking past you towards the water.

I asked you if you would mind if I sat down for a bit and you gave me that look again.

I sat down anyway.

You pretty much ignored me as you wrote something down on your tiny slips of paper, but every now and then I saw you peek up at me.

I figured this was okay too, just sitting there with you, enjoying the cool breeze coming across the water.

When you spoke, your voice was so quiet I barely heard you, but I smiled and nodded my head. Mostly I just listened because when I did respond you told me that you weren’t initiating a discussion with me. That made me smile again. I saw that little smirk you gave me and I was content to just sit there with you.

Then my phone rang and our worlds collided.

I knew you didn’t like it and I tried to silence it quickly.

It was too late. You began slowly putting your stuff away as you prepared to leave.

I tried to give you a few bucks. You told me you didn’t want my money.

I knew it was too late. I had broken the moment. I had intruded on your solitude.

I’m sorry.

I won’t give up though. I will be back because now that little smirk is gonna haunt me.

You may not need me, but I think I need you.

Next time I’ll make sure my phone is shut off.

Maybe I’ll bring lunch to share…

Cricket Walker

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  • Reply Lauren at LucasWorks February 23, 2014 at 8:04 pm

    Hey, you made contact! That’s more than most will EVER do, and honestly, I think it’s wonderful. You don’t know what his story is, but that smirk says that you DID connect, nice!

  • Reply mahdee March 6, 2014 at 10:51 pm

    You spoke to an invisible man. When you become homeless, you become invisible.. You see them but they refuse to see you.

    • Reply Cricket Walker March 6, 2014 at 11:10 pm

      We are all on this earth together. I hope to never stop seeing and I hope even more to begin to make even a tiny difference…

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