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March 2008

Our Photo Journey

A Bit Preoccupied Right Now

Text Messaging
Well, we were gonna see some great shots of Haley sweet talking the new spring calves, but she appears to be a bit preoccupied right now.

Canadian Geese
So, while Haley is busy texting, let’s take a peek at these gorgeous geese. Okay, I am just a Southern girl, so maybe I have missed something here. Are those Canadian Geese?

Are they lost? Or, do they instinctively prefer life in the South too? 🙂

Yup, Haley is still preoccupied but we get this great shot of her knee in her favorite old jeans. Can anyone tell me why we pay so much for jeans that the kids are just gonna rip up?

Haley sweet talking the horses.
We had to make a quick stop to visit the horses Haley met last week because she PROMISED she would be back to visit.

As soon as we pulled up they came running in from the field as if the recognized her. She had to take time to sweet talk each and every one of them before she was ready to move on.

So, how did they manage to capture her undivided attention?

The cell phone seems to be out of her thoughts as hunger sets in. Yup, if ya want to get a Southern girl’s attention, just mention barbeque and she will drop most anything.

Except maybe her cell phone. Lord have mercy, hasn’t that battery gone dead yet? How does she do that so fast? It takes me 20 minutes to find the letters to text message 3 words!

Still texting
Wouldn’t it just be easier to TALK on the cell? Should I be worried when the text messages start making her grin like this?

Motorola KRZR
Okay kid! Close the dang phone, put it down, and let me see you smile. This will only take 5 seconds. I promise!


All that text messaging on a warm Spring day leads to a quick change in hairstyles. How can such a messy ponytail look so dang cute?

Does she still seem preoccupied?

107 text messages later, we had an incredible day! 🙂

Cricket Walker

Cricket's Thoughts

Grab Bag Friday Photos

Water Spigot
Huh Haley? What do you mean you aint in the mood to have your picture taken today? What am I gonna take a picture of in the middle of Batesville, Mississippi for heaven sake? A dang water water spigot?

Awwww… C’mon! Just one picture?

Forget it Mom!
Nope, forget it Mom. It aint a picture taking kind of day.

Starbucks Coffee Sign
Okay fine. How about a Starbucks Coffee sign? Oh wait a minute. Lord have mercy they are open, let’s go have some coffee!

Open Sign
Okay kid, you leave me no option but to call this day Grab Bag Day Friday Photos, cuz now I am taking pictures of an open sign.

How stupid is that?

Okay wait a sec, I kinda like this lil baby bloom starting on this tree.

Railroad Crossing Signal
Ya know I still wonder about this railroad crossing signal. Have you ever seen a train come through here? Nope? Me neither.

Train Tracks
Okay, I may have reached my limit on pictures of train tracks.

Old Batesville Station
Ya know what Haley? This lil pavilion would sure look better if there was SOMEONE in it! Like YOU maybe? 🙂

Never mind … This bird is begging to have his picture taken.

Okay this picture sucks, but this lil guy was a zillion feet over my head on the highline wire and he was singing at the top of his lungs.

Cricket Walker

Cricket's Thoughts

Lessons I’ve Learned in my Life

Stop and smell the flowers. It really will make ya feel better.

If ya keep looking back, you are gonna run into something in front of ya. Be aware of what is behind ya, but keep your focus forward.

It’s true. The very best things in life, really are free.

If you try to explain to the officer that the light was NOT red, it was just a little pink, he is gonna crack up laughing, but he is still gonna give ya the ticket. The judge isn’t gonna fall for it either, so ya might as well go ahead and pay the stupid fine.

When the water is cold, sometimes ya just gotta close your eyes and jump in or you are gonna get stuck watching everyone else have fun.

Laugh more often, especially at the stupid things in life.

Someone once told me that the definition for insanity can be found in doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. I do my best to keep this in mind with everything I do.

If you are going to love someone, do so with your whole heart.

It is easier to find tranquility in your heart if you live your life by the serenity prayer. Change the things ya can. Forget the things ya can’t change, and make dang sure ya know the difference between the two so ya don’t waste a lot of time.

Some people just weren’t meant to be city folks.

Cricket Walker

Our Photo Journey

You Can’t Be Serious!

Hey humans!
Hey look y’all! Humans! What do ya suppose they want? Oh crap. One of them has a camera. I bet the dang kid is gonna try to pet us.

C'mere . . .
Yup! What did I tell ya. Hey! She is kinda cute though!

Feeding the horses
This blond kid aint the sharpest knife in the drawer, is she? This is like her 100th trip back and forth bringing us dried out grass. Doesn’t she realize we have a whole field of it over here?

Yeah, well the grass is a bit greener over there.

Making them share!
Look how the cool blond kid tricks our brown buddy.

She just keeps on talking to him while she reaches her arm over to sneak us some food too. I wonder if she can teach him to share?

Horse stretching for food.
C’mon kid, don’t make me stretch for a little dried out grass.

Horse Glamour Shot
Am I not the most beautiful mare you have seen in a long time?
I really should be on the cover of a magazine. 

Horse loving the attention.
Yeah, keep it coming kid. We are starting to like all the attention.

Kisses for the horse.
Any chance I can sneak a little kiss from ya kid?

Beautiful Horses
Hey, the weird camera lady wants us to look at her. Doesn’t she realize the cute blond kid has the food?

Horse Looking at the Camera
Okay fine, we’ll look at ya, but we don’t have to like it. It sure would have been nice if you would have brushed the mud off our faces first.

What the heck?
What the heck is that? It’s a what? You can’t be serious!

Oh my goodness.
Oh my goodness! The gorgoeus mare is a stallion???

The horses watching Haley leave.
Hey kid! Camera Lady! Y’all aint leaving us, are ya?

Cricket Walker

Our Photo Journey

Sort of Trespassing

Old Shack
Oh I really gotta check this old shack out. It’s not like trespassing or anything Mom. The fence was already down.

Ya scared?
C’mon! Where’s your sense of adventure? You aren’t scared are ya?

Okay, it's a little spooky!
Okay, so maybe it is a bit darker in here than I was expecting it to be.

Old Deer Stand
Hey! Let’s check out the deer stand. Ya think there is anything in it?

Bat my eyelashes . . .
What am I gonna do if the sheriff shows up? Is that what you asked me? Well first I am gonna bat my long eyelashes at him . . .

Killer Smile!
Then I am gonna show him my killer smile! Ya think that will work?

No Hunting Sign
We’re not hunting dang it!

Okay, we may be kind of, sort of trespassing, but not hunting.

Ya know, I may be a blond, but I think someone has been hunting!

Last drop of Caramel Macchiato
Can I finish my Caramel Macchiato now Mom? Oh wait. Too late!


Our Photo Journey

The World Must Pause

Haley reading at the river.
Can I just finish this chapter real quick? It will only take a sec.

Haley walking on the rocks.
Okay, fine . .  I will explore for a bit.

Wondering if he will call.
Mom thinks I am looking for snakes, but I am really I wondering if HE is gonna call . . . (The cell phone is in my pocket just in case)

Haley on the cell phone.
Hold on a second, the world must pause because HE is calling!

Yeah! I knew he would call!
Oh yeah! I knew he would call! Okay forget the river Mom. Can we pick him up and and head to the lake? Can we Mom? Can we?

Talking by the lake.
We could just sit here and talk like we are mature individuals . . .

Running in the water.
Oh we can say to heck with it and run in the water!

Haley pouting!
Dang it JJ! You got my hair wet on purpose! Awwww Haley girl . . .
