Day 16: Not A Gym Rat

Gold's Gym


I am not a gym rat.

Yes, it is true that I have begun to drool at the very sight of a nice gym lately. I am also drawn to the fancy new treadmills that do just about everything for you except the actual putting one foot in front of the other thing. Don’t even get me started about the feeling that happens when I see a sparkling Olympic size pool!

And yeah, I don’t feel good if I don’t do something to just get moving every single day, but that doesn’t make me a gym rat, does it?

That makes me a woman on a mission to live.

I didn’t start my day out at the gym. I walked a hilly route to Costco where I met up with my son to stock up on healthy food choices for the week. While I waited on him, I walked up and down every single aisle at a very brisk pace. Yup! People probably thought I was a little weird or lost, but I wasn’t going to waste the chance to get some extra steps in.

I still prefer to do my walking out in the real world. In fact, once I finished checking out the beautiful gym my son brought me to (pictured above) I put my stuff in a locker and headed straight out the door to a wonderful outside track they have. I did my first few miles out there before the heat began to get to me and then finished up on the treadmill inside. I LOVE AIR CONDITIONING!

My goals are not to reach a certain weight or even to squeeze into skinny jeans. In fact, I don’t really have any goals.

I do however have a commitment to do whatever it takes to feel good.

24,894 steps taken
10.54 miles traveled
25 floors climbed


Cricket Walker

2 thoughts on “Day 16: Not A Gym Rat”

  1. Over 10 1/2 miles…WOW!!!!!!!
    It does look like a beautiful Gym! The only places they would have gyms that might be somewhat like that would be Pittsburgh 50 miles away! The gyms around here are geared toward men for weight lifting! There is a YMCA about 10 miles away but a subscription when they opened several years ago was $600.00 a year! So frustrating!

  2. I’d rather go jogging than go to the gym because mainly because it’s free and you also use all of your body muscles when running.

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