High Above Me

Cricket Walker

While hanging out on Facebook for a bit to nag ask a few friends to take part in the V7N 30 Day Photography Challenge, it suddenly dawned on me that the sun would be going down soon and I still hadn’t taken a picture for day nine of my own challenge!


So I grabbed a cold Venom Energy and my camera, and ran out the door. My mind was already racing with ideas of what I could shoot quickly. If all else failed, I could always get a shot of the Venom, right?


Have you ever noticed that if you don’t have your camera with you, there are a million shots you want to get, but when you go out LOOKING for one, everything suddenly disappears?

Although I could hear a dove cooing somewhere, the dang thing was definitely hiding out with no intention of letting me off with a quick picture so I could head back into the air conditioning.

As I began to walk, with no particular destination, my thoughts began to relax, allowing me to begin to find beauty, to discover stuff I love.


This beauty just about left me breathless. WOW! I wonder if it is too early to send Santa Claus a letter. I really have been a very good girl this year. HONEST! I would love to take this sweet ride for a spin through the Texas Hill Country as the sun begins to set.

With my one promised picture out of the way, I turned back in the direction of home only to hear that dove again. Looking high above me, I finally found her, as if she was ready to pose for her picture now.


A New Journey Day Nine

Cricket Walker

3 thoughts on “High Above Me”

  1. “Have you ever noticed that if you don’t have your camera with you, there are a million shots you want to get, but when you go out LOOKING for one, everything suddenly disappears?”
    Yup! that’s what happened today.

  2. Loved the shot of the bike and dove. The Venom can was cool too! Interesting how a photo challenge makes you see your own shots. I started a photo a day for 30 days recently and haven’t liked any of my photo’s since then. Ha… things will be better when the sun comes up tomorrow! 🙂

  3. LOLOL! The same thing happened to me the last time I did the 30 day challenge but somewhere in the 2nd week I was suddenly finding new creative ways to shoot. Crossing my fingers that it ends up the same way this time!

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