My Heart Seemed to Know

The curvy road to Medina Lake

I was so certain that I didn’t have a destination in mind, but my heart seemed to know exactly where I was headed, back to the lake, back to where life made more sense to me, so many years ago.

Nope, you can never go back. I don’t think I was looking for that.

The cliffs

I just wanted to find the cliff, high above the lake, where I used to sit and unwind after a long week, a place where I could find my thoughts. Now and then, I think I even shed a few tears of frustration there. I used to believe that spot must be about as close to God as a person could possibly be.

Medina Lake

Today, I stood there, at the highest point, just staring at the lake for a few minutes, once again, totally stunned by the pure beauty of the scene. I closed my eyes, raised my face to the sun, and felt the soft cool breeze through my hair, as the world went silent around me.

And then I smiled.

It was if someone had reached down and handed me a gift, allowing me, for right now, to live in the moment . . .

Cricket Walker

1 thought on “My Heart Seemed to Know”

  1. The ability to parse/perceive time is an awesome value…
    Reflections are really time anyway…ya herd?

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