Wrapped Around Her Finger
When the kid looks at me like this, refusing her anything is very difficult for me. Okay, it’s almost impossible. 🙂
She was asking me to take her and a friend to downtown San Antonio.
So guess where we headed?
Ya think she has me wrapped around her little finger?
We had to make a quick stop on the way so I could grab a couple of pictures of the graffiti all the way down a long freight train.
Almost every boxcar has been tagged. Yeah, I know graffiti is really considered destruction of property, as it should be. But dang, some of these kids are incredible artists. It really adds character! 🙂
Maybe they should pay them to do some murals on them!
This photo does not do this mural justice. When you are standing there it is almost lifelike. Absolutely incredible.
Of course the girls had to make a quick stop at a downtown park so they could  goof off for a bit and flirt with the boys.
Street musicians always catch my attention and they certainly add to the ambiance of el mercado. Simply incredible.
I don’t even know what this instrument is called, but I was blown away by the soothing music coming out of it. So very talented!
This area of multiple waterfalls is one of San Antonio’s best kept secrets. I don’t know how many times I passed this area over the years, never realizing it was down there. Stunning! 🙂
I am still fascinated by a pigeon landing right next to me, no matter how many thousands of them have taken over the downtown areas. Their eyes are soooo mesmerizing!
It’s not the country, but I still had fun! 🙂
That looks like ya had alot of fun. Very good pictures
Simply stunning work! – I really need to get down to SA and walk around.
These are simply awesome Ms. Cricket!
Hiding is one of my new pastimes, so it is nice to see humans regaling in the world…
I constantly wait for new stuff from you and they are as well received as they were taken…
Get yer butts down to Galveston for a nice photo-journalistic evaluation of what has transpired over the last 6 months…
Bless the child…
my train !!