Dreaming My Dreams
Lost in thought, listening to the blues, and dreaming my dreams…
What do I dream of?
My dream is for my pictures to one day tell a story, to be the voice for those stories forgotten over the years, to portray what I feel, far beyond what I see, to capture the feeling in every face .
[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”center” alt=”Capturing the feeling in every face…” title=”Capturing the feeling in every face…”]https://www.cricketwalker.com/photos/9731-crop.jpg[/image_frame]
I want to be a photojournalist with lost stories to tell with my words and my pictures.
I want to visit a zillion tiny country towns that were once booming but somehow fell between the cracks when the railroad left town, or the interstate bypassed it and folks began leaving for the city. I want to share those stories that were once passed on from generation to generation, but somewhere along the way, someone stopped telling them.
[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”center” alt=”My grandson’s face…” title=”My grandson’s face…” ]https://www.cricketwalker.com/photos/Image1.jpg[/image_frame]
I want to know the story behind the empty general stores, falling down barns, and broken dreams. I want to listen to the folks that just wanna tell their story, and maybe bring a smile to their face over a cup of coffee in the local small town cafe.
[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”center” alt=”Abandoned Building” title=”Abandoned Building”]https://www.cricketwalker.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/abandoned.jpg[/image_frame]
I want to be the voice of the homeless, to bring their faces into our thoughts, to know and understand what brought them to this point in this great nation. To find the fighters that let nothing break their spirit, continuing to find joy in the world around them no matter what challenges they are faced with.
[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”center” alt=”Magic Of The Moment On The River” title=”Magic Of The Moment On The River”]https://www.cricketwalker.com/photos/IMG_4121.jpg[/image_frame]
I would love to travel the historic routes of our country, and capture the magic of those journeys of so long ago, bringing life to the history far beyond what we find in books.
[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”center” alt=”Gulf Coast Magic” title=”Gulf Coast Magic”]https://www.cricketwalker.com/photos/gulf.jpg[/image_frame]
I want to experience it all!
It would be incredible to travel and visit all the wonderful (and sometimes weird) people I have met on the net, sharing good barbeque and a lot of laughs.
[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”center” alt=”Laughing Gull” title=”Laughing Gull”]https://www.cricketwalker.com/photos/IMG_5587.jpg[/image_frame]
My biggest dream is to one day live and travel full time in a little motor home or conversion van on a never ending road trip capturing the stunning beauty surrounding all of us – the beauty that we sometimes forget to truly see and feel.
If I ever get weary of it all and needed a lil place to call home, I would find a place in the country surrounded by nature and wildlife, but I would never stop taking pictures…
Yep! My dream is to also convert a van but to go around europe rather than the states in it. Well, I wouldn’t mind exploring America as well but not sure how one would ship a van!!
We lived that dream of traveling for about ten or more years. Not full time but a couple of months each year. We’d pack up our travel trailer and head for the West vising many of the National Parks, big and small. We’d hike the trails, sit by a waterfalls, walk through the wildflower meadows, and marvel at the beauty of this wilderness. Now that travel has gotten more difficult for us (hubby is 96) we enjoy looking back through our photographs and remembering those wonderful days.
nice contents i hope your dream comes true !!
Cricket, I already told you that I think it’s not only a worthwhile dream, but also achievable! I had a friend that did it, making money as he went, doing chainsaw sculptures (he was really good, too!) If you build a few money sites, and get yourself a cellular modem, you wouldn’t be tied down anywhere!
And you’d be the envy of many of us!
This is awesome! I enjoy your pics and admire your dream. Don’t stop taking pics!
Thank you Sergio! I love taking pics too much to ever stop. π
Cricket – Your photos are amazing. It helps to have beautiful subjects to shoot, granted. But you capture so much emotion and energy that I feel quite humbled in viewing your pictures. You aren’t a photographer that takes 20 shots and throws all 20 at me. You have obviously carefully composed your shots and you are someone who is critical of their own work, to the point that you will only post what you personally believe meets the grade. I would be thrilled, with any of the shots you have produced here, and given that you already have a keen nack for words I would be also be surprised if in the near future I don’t see the words “photo journalist” next to your name.
Oh gosh! Thank you so much for the encouraging words, Dan!
Cricket, I could have sworn I wrote that – only in my dream, I was writing way better than I usually do π You put my dream into words. I just wish I could write and photograph as well as you do! This is my son’s senior year. He is homeschooled and since I’m a free-lance programmer, we hit the road back in October. We traveled from Tennessee to San Francisco and back taking the long way through Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone, Redwood Forest, Yosemite, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Petrified Forest, etc. I LOVED it and would love to do it all over again and again taking longer at each stop. I’ve dreamed of selling the house, buying an RV and hitting the road for years. I would love to be a photojournalist too, but would need to learn those skills for sure. π You are well on your way. I love your photography! So, what’s stopping you?
My youngest has 2 years before graduation, but I am hoping to take some mini road trips this summer!
why dont you self publish a book?
I may do that someday…. π
This is wonderful Cricket…..You are soooo Good at what you do!!!
Thank you Gary! When I am shooting a scene, my mind seems to be already writing the words.
Cricket just want to thank you for the inspiration to pick up my camera every day!! I have had so much fun the last month and to read your blog is great! You have a great talent to reach out a grasp peoples hearts. Keep up the good work your doing!!
Very good Cricket. Thank you for sharing. You have formulated a plan now speak it into existence.
I could go to Colorado in the spring π
A beautiful photo essay, Cricket! I truly hope that you decide to take the plunge and hit the road one day (of course with a blog going so we could all travel along with you. :o)
I grew up traveling; dad was Navy, always getting transferred, and we always traveled by car. I showed my kids America from the seats of a mini van (we called it ‘surround vision’), camping in a pop-up camper along the way. Even when we couldn’t go ‘away’, we still took Sunday trips to the quiet places (state parks, mountains or sea shores.)
There’s so much beauty in America, no matter which direction you head! I hope that one day soon you just DO IT (we’ll leave the light on in case you head this way!)
Whatever it takes, it will happen one day!
beautiful. Keep believing.
Belief is such a powerful thing…
An eloquent statement and presentation of my vague stub of a notion that I’d like to travel the world and interpret it in still images. Cricket, I’ve only recently discovered your photography and am pleased to put you on my short list of photos and blogs to visit regularly.
I often have the urge to convey the full range and character of something (usually an event) with a set of photos. I guess that’s storytelling. It’s that over always cherry-picking the best individual shots.
But, sometimes, even a set of cherry-pics can be combined into something of a story. Here’s a recent one. I wanted to do a video slideshow of my “people pictures”, but didn’t see at first how I should organize them. Looking over the shots that I picked out as being the best individual ones, I noticed patterns and organized them accordingly, while also moving a few photos in and out of the set to better fit the flow. I thought of that now because your title for this page is close to my title for the slideshow, “The Dream”. If it’s not too crass, I invite you to watch it. I’d like to know what you — including anyone here — think of the story/theme. (Note: 720p is available via the gear near the lower right.)
You and I have the same dream! I remember reading this before and loved it in then and still love it!
I love your dream Cricket! As many others here have said, it’s as though
we are all living for very similar dreams…….here’s to yours, mine, and
everyone else’s……keep’in the dream alive and drawing closer to it being
“a dream come true” every day!
Dreaming is good for the soul…